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Forg (Mobile Device Management)


In today’s world, people use their mobile phones for various tasks. Employees in organizations also rely heavily on mobile apps for work. However, when employees use mobile phones, especially in sensitive situations or during overseas missions, it can pose security risks.

Forg MDM is a solution designed for corporate mobile phone users. It helps organizations control and manage mobile phone usage, restricting access to certain features and resources according to the organization’s rules. With this system, organizations can better secure their employees’ mobile phones at different levels.

Forg MDM is a comprehensive system designed to heighten smartphone security and control user access. It offers both local and remote management via web servers or SMS commands, granting users access to various device features based on administrator permissions. The system boasts a secure server managed through a web-based control panel, while the Forg app on users’ devices can be configured for online or offline control. Administrators have the authority to create user profiles, set passwords, adjust settings, and regulate access to programs, applications, and device features. This system offers robust control over mobile device management in a streamlined package.


Forg Features List:

  • User and Group Management
    • Apply policies as a group on devices and as a subgroup on users
    • Activate guest user and defining different users with different profiles
  • Applications Access Control
    • Control the user access to device applications
    • Block the user access to device applications
  • Location Service Access
    • Display device’s last location
    • Display online devices’ location
    • Searching location of device on the map
  • Remote Control
    • Lock device
    • Factory reset
    • User disable/enable
  • Monitoring and Reporting
    • Display phone brand and operating system version
    • Send general status of device and active user
    • Display list of installed apps on the phone
    • Activation report: report activating a user
    • Password report: report the number of users attempted to login; currently active users
    • Resource report: access report to each of the phone’s resources and communication ports by the local user
    • Root report: If the user wants to root the phone, while transmitting its log to the server, the command to clear the phone’s data will be executed
  • Communication Ports Access Control


Security requirement

  • Changing user password via secure way
  • Kernel level application security
  • Secure connection between server and device
  • Application security and data protection
  • Secure app login
  • Complicated passwords for users
  • Secure login to the web-based admin panel
  • Applications secure access and control management
  • Data security and cryptography based on native protocols
  • Secure access to the local management environment

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این برنامه بیشتر جهت مصارف سازمانی مد نظر است.
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